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Track & Trace

(Deutsche Version)

ICON für Was ist Track & Trace

About Track & Trace

ICON für Was ist Track & Trace



On May 20, 2019 the traceability system for tobacco and tobacco related product went live. The EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD II) 2014/40/EU regulates the manufacturing, packaging and sale of tabacco products. 

On October 13, 2018 the MVG was entrusted by the Federal Ministry of Finance as the ID issuer for individual identification features for tobacco products. Together with the Federal Computing Centre, which is operating the system, MVG provides the relevant applications.


All other tobacco products (such as cigars or cigarillos) must also be part of Track & Trace by May 20, 2024 at the latest.

ICON für ID-Issuer - Ausweiskarte

ID-Issuer MVG

ICON für ID-Issuer - Ausweiskarte

MVG, as the central ID issuer is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Provision of a registration and order portal
  • Registration of all participating economic operators (producers, wholesalers, retail outlets)
  • Creation and delivery of individual identifiers in electronic form for single and aggregated packs

The unique ID assigned to MVG is: LEAT1


According to which scheme are the IDs assigned?


  • EO first point of sale (tobacconists)


After LEAT1ET the id continues with the 6-digit customer number (including leading zeros) which is assigned by MVG.


  • EO facility of the tabacconist


LEAT1FT is followed by the 8-digit location number assigned by MVG.


  • EO vending machine


LEAT1FD is followed by the 8-digit location number assigned by MVG and the 2-digit consectutive number of the dispersed vending machine.


  • EO wholesalers


LEAT1FG is followed by the 3-digit abbreviation of the wholesaler and a 3-digit consecutive number.


  • EO paying office for tobacconists


LEAT1EZ is followed by the 6-digit customer number (including leading zeros) assigned by MVG.


  • EO facility of the paying agent


LEAT1FZ is followed by the 8-digit location number assigned by MVG.


  • EO airlines


LEAT1EA is followed by the 6-digit customer number (including leading zeros) assigned by MVG.


  • EO Facility der Fluglinie


LEAT1FA is followed by the 8-digit location number assigned by MVG.



General Terms and Conditions

Accepting the General Terms and Conditions is a prerequisite for obtaining individual identifying features. An email from the company represantitive to post.track-trace-tabakwaren(at)brz.gv.at and T_T(at)mvg.at with the content "I accept your general terms and conditions" is necessary.

According to §16 Abs. 4 TabMG the current fee is € 0,59 (excl. VAT) for 1,000 individual identification features (upUI's) provided. 

ICON für Registrierung

How to register

ICON für Registrierung

Registration steps and general information

In order to create a highly secure Track & Trace system, we have implemented the following registration procedure. This process only has to be carried out once by each economic operator.


1. Registration Austrian Business Service Portal and of economic operators
Economic operators (manufacturers) who want to register with Track & Trace in Austria require valid access to the Austrian Business Service Portal (USP).

The following steps are necessary for successful registration in the USP:

  • Fill out the form "Ergänzungsregister natürliche Personen (ERnP)" (Supplementary Register of Natural Persons)
  • Fill out the form "Eintragung in das Ergänzungsregister für sonstige Betroffene (ERsB)" (Entry in the Supplementary Register for Other Affected Parties)
  • Name a USP administrator

The three registration steps mentioned above are described in detail in the PDF "AT Issuer - USP Registration for Production System".

For questions about registration in the USP, please contact info@usp.gv.at



2. Notification of company data and accepting the terms and conditions

Only after the steps mentioned in point 1 are completed and you have received confirmation from USP that the login credentials has been sent or you have received the login credentials, please complete the following steps and send them by email to post.track-trace-tabakwaren@brz.gv.at and T_T@mvg.at:

Accepting the General Terms and Conditions (AGB) is a prerequisite for receiving individual identification features. For this, an email from the company representative to post.track-trace-tabakwaren@brz.gv.at and T_T@mvg.at with the content "I accept your General Terms and Conditions" is required.

The issuance fee is € 0.59 (excluding VAT) for every 1,000 individual identification features (upUIs) since April 1, 2021 in accordance with Section 16 (4) of TabMG.


3. Create users in the USP portal
Once you have been activated for the Tobacco Track & Trace System, we will notify you by email. From this point, you can create a web service user, which will then be authorized for the Track & Trace System. A detailed description can be found in the document: "AT ISSUER REGISTERING FOR PRODUCTION SYSTEM 1.7".

4. API Key (REST Service Token)

Now, you can retrieve your token (API Key) from the USP via REST Service with the previously created web service user.

The service URL is:


Important: Please replace {EO_ID} with your EO ID.




Registration for wholesalers:

All wholesalers who want to participate in Track & Trace must register the data of the economic operator and its facilities. To do this, please fill out the registration form and mail it to t_t(at)mvg.at.


Currently, the following wholesalers are registered in Austria:


ID Wholesaler
LEAT1EGHOS House of Smoke
LEAT1EGPMI Philip Morris
LEAT1EGTOB Tobaccoland
LEAT1EGDIO Dios Tabaco
LEAT1EGYJR Rauch Johannes


Registration for tobacconists:

All tobacconists in Austria (including their vending machines) are automatically registered in Track & Trace by MVG.

ICON für Individuelle Merkmale

Invidual identifying features

ICON für Individuelle Merkmale


Structure of the unique identifiers in Austria till 31.12.2023


Identification code 5 digits LEAT1
Serial number 8 digits  
Product code 1 3 digits Identifies a product
Product code 2 3 digits Identifies the device and machine on which the product was manufactured
Timestamp 8 digits  
The preceding data identifier (DI) for our identification code is 25S.


The first two parts (identification code + serial number) are the readable parts of the code and are printed on the packaging. The remaining digits are hidden behind the so-called DOTCODE and are also printed on the packaging.



Structure of the unique identifiers in Austria starting by 01.01.2024


Identification code 5 digits LEAT1
Serial number 10 digits  
Product code 1 3 digits Identifies a product
Product code 2 3 digits Identifies the device and machine on which the product was manufactured
Timestamp 8 digits  
The preceding data identifier (DI) for our identification code is 25S.


The first digit of the serial number shows wether it is an old 27-digit or a new 29-digit identifier.

The 27-digit identifiers contain the following values in the first position of the serial number:

Character represents the year
Y 2019
Z 2020
1 2021
2 2022
3 2023

All other values relate to the new 29-digit identifiers for the years starting by 2024.

ICON für Aktuelle Termine - Datum

Planned maintenance and software updates

ICON für Aktuelle Termine - Datum

System maintenance

The Austrian Federal Computing Centre must carry out system maintanance at regular intervals. Depending on the kind of maintenance, the system might not be accessible for a longer period of time (minutes to a whole day). One week before the respective date, we will inform you here about the duration of the interruption.



Planned maintenance (2025) Estimated planned interruption

April 26–27


May 17–18


July 19–20


August 16–17


September 20–21 


October 18–19


December 13–14



ICON für Datenschutzgrundverordnung


ICON für Datenschutzgrundverordnung

All data in the registration process is used for a specific purpose in accordance with the GDPR

This includes the following information, which is required for registration according to the TPD:

  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Customer number assigned by MVG
  • Location number assigned by MVG
  • E-Mail address
  • VAT number
  • Tax number (if your company has no VAT number)
  • Phone number
  • Consumption Tax number (for example wholesalers)


Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

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